Monday, November 30, 2009

so this was Thanksgiving...

So internet people, last Thursday I embarked on a journey of awesomeness that began at Lake & Overland at 8:30AM. I was determined to get a solid introductory ride on my new new rig (that is neither lugged or fixed) so I headed out North on Overland towards Bingham hill en route to Lory State Park. On the way up Bingham hill I saw the most beautiful Bald Eagle fly directly overhead and I knew that this ride would be special because as according to Mary Jane (Sammy's mom who is a very spiritual and soulful woman) these things only can possibly mean that good things will come to the person who witnesses this moment. Moving on I had a nice stop at the top of the hill and then motored over to Lory where the singletrack was waiting. the trail was a nice mix of ice, mud, snow, tacky dirt, horse hoof prints and hardpack plus I didn't see anyone else out on the trail. The singletrack through the valley was a bit longer than I remembered but still flowy and fun all the way to horsetooth. I headed out onto the road to climb back to the dam, then with the dam in sight and only one more climb I said to myself, "allright, here's the homestretch," I promptly flatted. But I had a tube and a pump, so I decided to walk the bike over to the dam where I could change it in the sun. To my suprise I ran into Schuyler (btw congrats on the first post!) and 20-30 people on bikes out for a pre feast dam tour ride. These dudes had blasting music, beer and a real good thing going on so I just joined in on the fun for a dam climb until I had to move on to Breakfast with Rach's fam.

It was a fantastic way to start an over the top kind of day! Thanks Fort Collins, again!

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